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The Festival
Ink on paper

Ink on paper

Wrong potion
Ink on paper

Harvest Moon
Ink on paper

Custom Spirit Board
Wood burning, blood, woodstain on wood, acrylic

Spirit Board (back)
wood stain, gold paint

"tiny body image issues"
ink and marker on Bristol 2012

2008 marker on paper

Donut touch me!




"heart of a musician"
2009 marker on marker paper

"heart of an artist"
2009 marker on marker paper

"heart of a lover"
2009 marker on marker paper

"no inspiration"
2007 mixed media: marker, oil paint, pencil and ink on matte board

"he just didn't do the same"
2007 mixed media: marker, pencil, chalk, water color on newsprint

Wedding shoes

wedding shoe

wedding shoe

"missed sunset"
colored pencil

2007 marker on paper

"i just wanted money for college"
2008 marker and chalk on matte board

marker on paper

"18th time to quit"
2007 marker on paper

"death from above"
2008 marker on paper

"my eroticism"
2007 marker on paper

2006 chalk on butcher paper
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